Thank you for logging into our web site. You are most welcome. Our main worship centre, the parish church, stands on a site where there has been a church since the 13th century. The years since then have brought many changes to the area but our task is still the same – to build up a worshipping, witnessing, serving community of people who want to grow in their faith and encourage others to come to know Christ also.
First Sunday of month
10am Hilden Service
11.00am Holy Communion
Second Sunday of month
9.00 am Holy Communion
10.00am Hilden Service
11.00am Morning Prayer
Third Sunday of month
9.00 am Holy Communion
10.00am Hilden Service
11.00am Morning Prayer
Fourth Sunday of month
10.00am HildenService
11.00am Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday of month
9.00 am Holy Communion
10.00am Hilden Service
11.00am Morning Prayer
Lambeg Parish Church is located on the Lambeg Road which is off the main Lisburn to Belfast Road. Turn under the railway bridge at the Moss Road junction and the Church is approx. ¾ mile on the right
Hilden Centre

Hilden Community Church is part of the Parish of Lambeg. The overall responsibility for the Church is by the the Rector – Rev Eddie Coulter. Rev David Luckman is the Hilden Church Planter. He is responsible for the Sunday Services.
As well as being the main office of the Parish of Lambeg it is also the centre of activities for the Youth and other parish groups
Parish Groups
Mothers Union
Mens Society
Open House
Parents & Toddlers
Needles & Pins
Youth Groups
Sunday School
Girls Brigade
Church Lads Brigade
Church Hall
The Church Hall is host to many activities within the Parish. It’s Main Hall and kitchen is the venue for social gatherings, while the Minor Hall is ideal for smaller groups

History of Church and Churchyard
Historians assure us that there were monastic foundations, in the vicinity of the present Parish Church, dating from at least the fifteenth century and that a place of worship was in existence possibly as far back as 1306,
The site of the Churchyard is an ancient one and was at one time occupied by a 13th century Franciscan Monastery.