The industrial ‘face’ of the Parish has changed greatly in recent decades with the demise of the linen industry and the disappearance of many of the mills and associated premises. However, these have been replaced by modern light industry ranging from the manufacture of soft drinks to Computers and business centres.To-day Lambeg parish ministers to some 450 families, the majority of whom actually reside outside the geographical boundaries of the parish.Much has changed during the centuries of it’s history, but it’s task remains the same – to extend God’s Kingdom in the hearts and lives of it’s people and to encourage worship in His house.
The Church Hall is host to many activities within the Parish. It’s Main Hall and kitchen is the venue for social gatherings, while the Minor Hall is ideal for smaller groups
The Lambeg parish area also includes the Hilden Centre at Hilden. Prior to 1911, a Sunday school for the children of Hilden district was held in the canteen dining room of the Hilden Thread Mill factory. In 1911, Mr. J. Milne Barbour, Managing Director built the E.M.B. as a memorial to his wife Elise Milne Barbour and on 18th February 1912, it was handed over and vested in the Session of Railway Street Presbyterian Church. In 1996 it was sold to Lambeg Parish to be used for Church extension work. The E.M.B. hall was later demolished and The Hilden Centre was built on the same site. The E.M.B. Hall was later demolished and The Hilden Centre, built on the same site, was opened in 2001. Mrs Pat Harvey, who was appointed Pastoral Assistant in charge of the Hilden Centre in May 2000, retired in July 2008.
As well as being the main office of the parish it is also the centre of activities for the Youth and other parish groups.