Rev. Eddie Coulter
email: ejcoulter@gmail.com
Diocesan Lay Readers
Mr. Jack Hassard,
Mr. Neill Wilson, Dr Brian Bennett
Parish Readers
Miss Dorothy Jackson,
Mr. Victor McDonald
Clergy with permission to officiate
Rev. David Luckman
Organist and Choir Master
Mr. John McClune
Honorary Secretary
Mrs Judith Finch
Email: lambegsecretary@gmail.com
Honorary Treasurer
Mrs Angela Sloan
Email; lambegtreasurer@gmail.com
Graveyard Registrar
Rector (see above for contact details)
Health and Safety
Mr. Leslie Mills (028 9266 6027)
Envelope Secretary & Recorder
Karen Henry (028 9258 7296)
Parish office (028 9266 10009)
Parish Website:
www.lambeg .connor.anglican.org
Or visit us on our Facebook site
Safeguarding Trust
The Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish workers are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact a member of the parish panel:
Dr. Brian Bennett (9260 4760)
Mrs Estelle Curry
Rev. E J Coulter (9266 3872)