Making Jesus ‘mega’

What a letter – Paul’s letter to the Philippians! So encouraging and so challenging. Here we see a warm, loving relationship and partnership between the Apostle and a church that he himself had founded.

He wants them to advance the Gospel with him. To do that they need to be united, serving one another as Christ served them, i.e., looking to put others first. The only way this can happen is by making Jesus ‘mega’!

This comes from Paul’s desire to see Jesus exalted in his own life (v.20). The word literally means to make mega or we might say ‘super-size’. Paul wants them to glorify Jesus in three areas.

He wants them and every Christian to magnify Jesus in the world by speaking his word to the world (v.14). He wants them to make Jesus mega in the church (vv.15-17). He rebukes genuine Christians for their rivalries, envy and selfish ambition in the church. The priorities of Jesus come before anything else. He is to be central. And thirdly, he wants them to magnify Jesus in their own lives by making progress in the Gospel (v.25). As they grow in their understanding and living out of the Gospel in their own lives, Christ is magnified, super-sized, glorified!

It’s all about glorifying Jesus whether it’s our evangelism, the internal life of our churches, or our individual lives. Let’s super-size Jesus, make him mega, glorify him in the world, the church, and our lives.